Monday, April 28, 2008

Quick showing of what I have so far of Nana's head... I still need to get the defining features in.(mostly the shape of the eyes).

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008



torso is updated and I changed both Nana and Tinman's Costumes

Tinman's Outfit is more mechanical looking

Where as Nana's is softer and more organic

Very much a work in progress, but I just need to finish the jacket and shoes UV and he'll be ready for Z brush

I hope to finish him up within the next two days and move onto Nana who I hope to have finished by Tuesday of next week, if not sooner.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

First of the new character Drafts

To the world I present Nana.

And Tinman

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

character research

Alain Delon, for inspiration for my Tinman character.Anna Karina for my Nana character

My grand plan for the next 3 months!

Here goes,(actual plan will change at my own discretion through the week, I'll post a more "written in stone" version at the end of the week)

    1. Week 1 -Research, design and conceptualize my two main characters(well, they're the only characters actually.)
      = probably someone like Alain Delon(Le Samourai)
      = inspired by the gorgeous Anna Karina (Bande De Parte)
    2. Rough storyboard and Animatics.

  • Weeks 2-4 Model, texture said characters(sans sub surface)

  • Weeks 3-4 wrap up modeling/texturing my environment/set

    1. Weeks 4-11(on going) design so called glass and steel structures for matte
    2. design, conceptualize, model, rig props(steam apparatuses)
    3. create matte painting of background of "Paris"
    4. create moving back ground elements(airships etc)

  • Weeks 5-6 Refining subsurface "skin" shader network and applying it to characters

  • Weeks 7-11 rig Characters

  • time permitting, dynamics- cloth, particle effects(dust, steam, etc).

  • wrapping up preproduction for the most part.
If all goes well and I complete storyboards, preproduction bibles, I can hopefully start animatic/previz, "hire" voice actors, and be prepared to start animation by the end of this quarter.

Sketch contest!

So I'll also be putting up my entries into these little ego clashes my friends and I like to call sketch competitions as they occur.

So far I've done two, one samurai concept, and another is a vampire, both took around 3 hours to complete, tho I must admit, the digital attempt looks more polished than the colored pencil drawing, granted the vampire was my second one. Still I'd like to improve my work with real life mediums, I'll try and do the next one in gauche.... maybe.

I'll post them up.

Hello world.

Bounjour, Boungiorno, Buenos Dias, Zdravstvuite, Guten Tag, Hello!

So here is my obligatory introduction to my new grand spanking new blog I'll be using to let you the crazy cool kids out there keep track of my progress with my thesis film, which was dubbed L'homme De Bidon, but since the majority of folks aren't too familiar with French, I simply translated it back to English as "the Tinman".

So to start things off I'll put up some preliminary renders of my set which is very much a work in progress.

I'll be putting up an informal schedule of things I'd love to complete by the quarter, and refining it as the week passes.

Till then,
